Benefits of Moringa powder

Benefits of Moringa powder

It's packed with vitamins and minerals.

Many of the healthy foods you eat have a single standout nutrient. Think carrots and vitamin A, citrus and vitamin C, nuts and vitamin E. 

Moringa leaves stick out as a superfood because one cup of chopped leaves is considered a good source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and riboflavin and has notable amounts2 of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium.

In fact, the leaves are more concentrated in vitamin C3 than oranges. That means moringa can contribute to everything from better vision and immunity to bone health and skin radiance.


One cup of chopped moringa leaves is packed with iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and riboflavin and has notable amounts of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium.

It's a source of plant-based protein.

Whether you're a vegetarian or just trying to cut down on meat, it's not always easy finding convenient plant-based protein.

Sure, there are lentils and tempeh, but sometimes you just want a quick, no-cook add-in to sprinkle on smoothie bowls or add to soup.

That's where moringa comes in. Powders made from its crushed leaves are packed with protein—3 grams of protein per tablespoon, in fact—and have a leg up on legumes because they contain all the essential amino acids4, necessary for muscle repair, energy production, and mood regulation.


Moringa powder contains three grams of protein per tablespoon and contains all of the essential amino acids necessary for energy production, muscle repair, and more.

It may help your sex life.

Stress can skew your sex life. It can throw hormone levels off, spiking cortisol and decreasing dopamine to lower libido.

In animal studies, moringa has not only been shown to bring down cortisol levels5, but it may also naturally boost testosterone levels, a known sex drive6 supporter.

In one study, moringa extract worked to enhance sexual performance7 in stressed rats by suppressing cortisol and increasing testosterone.


Moringa has been shown to boost testosterone levels, a known sex drive supporter. It's also been shown to enhance sexual performance in animal studies.

It may help balance hormones.

Menopause can throw women's hormones out of whack—and make them feel off, but moringa may help.

A study published in the Journal of Food and Science Technology found that postmenopausal women who took a combination of moringa leaf powder and amaranth leaf powder8 for three months not only had decreased markers of oxidative stress, but they also had better fasting blood glucose and increased hemoglobin levels, which could mean more balanced hormones.

Moringa has also been linked to improved thyroid health, which controls hormonesrelated to energy, sleep, and digestion.


Moringa has been shown to decrease markers of oxidative stress and improve blood glucose in postmenopausal women. Moringa has also been shown to improve thyroid health, which controls hormones related to energy, sleep, and digestion.

It may protect the liver.

Think of your liver as the body's detoxifier. It filters the blood, detoxifies chemicals, and metabolizes fat—and moringa may help it work better.

First off, moringa contains high concentrations of polyphenols to reverse oxidation9in the liver, and preliminary research in animals has shown moringa consumption to reduce symptoms of liver fibrosis10 and protect against liver damage11.


Moringa contains high concentrations of polyphenols that reverse oxidation in the liver. Preliminary research has shown that moringa can also reduce symptoms of liver fibrosis and protect against liver damage.

It may help fight free radicals.

Free radicals12 are created by things like pollution, fried food, and sun exposure. They damage your cells by robbing them of an electron, causing oxidative stress, cell damage, and premature aging.

The antidote: antioxidants, like the flavonoids, polyphenols, and ascorbic acid found in moringa3. A diet rich in antioxidants has been shown to prevent premature wrinkles and possibly make you live longer13.


The antioxidants found in moringa may prevent premature wrinkles and possibly help you live longer.

It may reduce inflammation.

Move over, turmeric, there's a new inflammation-fighter in town. Moringa has been shown to significantly lower inflammation in cells.

In addition to containing inflammation-lowering polyphenols14 and isothiocyanates15, moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body.


Moringa has been shown to lower inflammation in cells.

It may help balance blood sugar.

Spikes in insulin and blood sugar levels can cause mood swings and sugar cravings and even lead to the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Enter moringa.

The leaf powder has been effective at reducing lipid and glucose levels and regulating oxidative stress in lab studies.

One clinical study16 also showed therapeutic antioxidant properties as well as lower fasting glucose levels in postmenopausal women who took a supplement with moringa, and amaranth, leaves for three months.

One animal study even showed that moringa in the diet could help reduce weight gain and insulin resistance17.


Moringa has been shown to reduce lipid and glucose levels and regulate oxidative stress in lab studies. It's also been shown to help reduce weight gain and insulin resistance in animal studies.

It may improve digestion.

Moringa leaf powder contains about 30% fiber18, most of it insoluble, something you not only need for digestion but that may also reduce your risk of disease.

Moringa is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial and may help inhibit the growth of various pathogens19 that can cause digestive upset. 

Moringa's anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to help with digestive disorders, like colitis19; plus, a recent study in mice found that it may improve gut bacteria20.


Moringa leaf powder contains high amounts of fiber that's critical for digestion and may even reduce your risk of disease. Moringa may also help inhibit the growth of various pathogens that can cause digestive upset.

It may support brain health.

It's estimated that worldwide, 55 million people are living with Alzheimer's and other dementias. Moringa leaf is high in vitamins C and E, which combat the oxidative stress21 associated with Alzheimer's.

Animal studies of both Alzheimer's22 and dementia23 are showing promising results. More good news: Moringa has also been linked to increased dopamine23 and serotonin24 ("happy hormones"), and with more research, it could possibly be used to help treat depression25 in the future.


By Allison Young

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